Home Press center Rosatom will hold a large-scale IT hackathon in Kazakhstan
Rosatom will hold a large-scale IT hackathon in Kazakhstan

13 teams from 7 Kazakhstani universities will take part in mathematical modeling competition

A large-scale mathematical modeling competition “HackAtom: REPEAT modeling skills” will be held in the branch of NRNU MEPhI in Almaty (the Republic of Kazakhstan) on June 4 and 5, 2024.

The event was organized by Rosatom State Corporation represented by the Project Office for Education Development and International Cooperation (PO EDIC) and GET LAB LLC (part of Rosatom State Corporation).

The aim of this event is to create conditions for popularization of mathematical modeling and Russian digital products of CAE-class among students and teachers of Kazakhstani universities, as well as among a wide range of young IT specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The topic of event will be mathematical modeling as Rosatom leading direction in the field of industrial digital solutions.

The task content will be related to one of the Corporation's flagship digital products in the field of 1D modeling - REPEAT, developed by GET LAB LLC team and released to the market in 2022. The final task will be announced by HackAtom organizers during the opening ceremony on June 4.

13 teams from the leading technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take part in this event: Astana IT University, Almaty branch of NRNU MEPhI, International Information Technology University (IITU), Satbayev University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev (AUES), D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (EKTU).       

The winners will be determined by a jury vote after projects from each of the participating teams have been submitted. Participants and winners of the event will be awarded valuable prizes from Rosatom State Corporation.

The first hackathon of Rosatom State Corporation on mathematical modeling - “HakAtom: REPEAT modeling skills” was held in the National Children's Technopark in Minsk ( the Republic of Belarus) in February this year.


“HakAtom” hackathon develops the educational direction of system cooperation between Rosatom State Corporation and the Republic of Belarus in the field of digital solutions for industry, which was launched in Minsk at TIBO-2023 forum by signing an agreement between Rosatom's company “Engineering and Technical Center GET”, State Production Association of Electric Power Industry “Belenergo”, "Belenergoremnaladka" JSC and the country office of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation in the Republic of Belarus - "Rusatom Bel" LLC on cooperation in the field of simulator construction and creation of digital twins, including development and implementation of simulator complexes for training of instructor personnel of power facilities and creation of digital twins of process cycles of power plants, boiler houses and other power facilities. Further, Rosatom represented by the company “Tsifrum” and the “Industry Center for Capital Construction” concluded an agreement with the Republican Union of Builders (the Republic of Belarus) and the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Republican Scientific and Technical Center for Pricing in Construction" (the Republic of Belarus) on the development of standardization in the field of information simulation technologies. Rosatom's company “Rusatom Digital Solutions” and the country office in the Republic of Belarus signed an agreement with one of the oldest Belarusian IT companies, “International Business Alliance” CJSC to implement joint digitalization projects based on Rosatom digital products and solutions.

Mathematical modeling systems / CAE-system (Computer-Aided Engineering) is software designed for calculations, analysis and simulation of physical processes for resolution of engineering problems. Systems allow using computational methods to simulate the "behavior" of industrial products in real operating conditions.

REPEAT (REal-time Platform for Engineering Automated Technologies) – CAE-class digital product, model-based environment for design and mathematical modeling. REPEAT is designed to create mathematical models of complex plants and processes in the energy sector, including the creation of digital twins. Its application contributes to increased efficiency of power facilities, reduced cost of production processes, reduced outages and unforeseen incidents. The possibility to develop models of power facilities and processes, create digital twins, design to increase the efficiency of power facilities, reduce the cost of production processes and the number of downtimes and accidents, as well as conduct virtual tests of the designed equipment is implemented in the product. It is a fully import-independent development of Engineering and Technical Center GET (part of Rusatom Service JSC, Rosatom State Corporation).

JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET (part of the Rusatom Service JSC group of companies, Rosatom) is a recognized leader in the field of simulator production and mathematical modeling for Russian and foreign nuclear power plants (NPP), thermal power plants (TPP), training centers (TC) and other energy facilities. Over 30 years of experience, the company has created over 50 simulators as part of projects across the world, including countries in Europe and Asia. ETC GET JSC comprises GET LAB LLC, an IT company established in 2022 with broad expertise in developing computer software and solving complex tasks in the computer technology.. Combining experience and innovation, we implement digital solutions for smooth operation of industrial facilities. In Russia and worldwide.

Rosatom State Corporation is a global process-oriented multifunctional holding combining assets in power engineering, machine building, and construction. It includes more than 460 enterprises and organizations that employ 360 thousand people. Since 2018, it has been implementing the Unified Digital Strategy (UDS), which involves extensive work in a number of areas. In “Participation in the digitalization of the Russian Federation”, it is the competence center of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"; it acts as a leading company in the implementation of government roadmaps for the development of high-tech areas "New Industrial Software" and "Quantum Computing"; since 2021 it implements the first Russian project for the import substitution of a whole class of industrial software - systems of engineering analysis and mathematical modeling (CAE-class), since 2022 it acts as the coordinator of the project "New Industrial Software" and "Quantum Computing". In the Digital Products area, it develops and brings to market digital products for industrial enterprises – there are more than 60 digital products in Rosatom's portfolio. In the direction of "Internal Digitalization" it provides digitalization of NPP construction processes, digital import substitution and creation of the Unified Digital Platform of the nuclear industry. Also as part of the Unified Digital Strategy, Rosatom is working to develop cross-cutting digital technologies, including data processing technologies, Internet of Things, manufacturing technologies, virtual and augmented reality, neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, wireless communication technologies, robotics and sensorics, etc. The Company implements educational programs to improve the digital literacy of its employees, as well as develops industry-specific production and technology platforms and professional skills competitions on digitalization.

Russia will chair the CIS bodies in 2024, and in this capacity it has intensified work to further strengthen the Commonwealth as an integration association and enhance its international standing. Rosatom and its divisions are expanding cooperation with enterprises and organizations of CIS countries.

The Russian government and major Russian companies continue to expand the range of solutions to develop the potential of students and young employees. Rosatom and its enterprises engage in creating basic departments in Russian universities, implementing scholarship support programs, major educational projects, organizing internships and apprenticeships for students with subsequent employment. Young specialists learn useful new skills, helping them in their career development.