Making the world accurate

JSC ETC GET has wide expertise in the field of simulating electric and thermal energy generation facilities. In their work, the company’s specialists use their own unique developments, in particular, modern tools for simulating the behavior of liquid media.Networks and distribution
One of the developments of JSC ETC GET specialists in the field of simulating the means of delivery and distribution of thermal and electric energy is the ability to create an all-mode condition model of such networks.
JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET develops mode simulators, as well as simulators for operating switchovers of power distribution systems based on high-precision digital twins.
Heat supply
JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET creates digital twins of heat supply networks to optimize the quality of heat supply parameters in real time.
Digital model
The digital model is an all-mode complex, in which simulators and emulators developed by highly qualified engineers of JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET allow reproducing all modes of facility operation, including:
1. Real-time simulation:
Predictive analysis of equipment condition and dynamic planning of M&R;
Evaluation of system behavior based on simulation of real physical processes, and not condition scenarios;
The ability to simulate external interference with the operation of equipment and change system operating parameters without stopping the real facility;
Checking the response of the control system to situations unexpected by algorithms.
2. Prediction of systems behavior:
Testing of control algorithms at the stage of design of new systems and facilities;
Prediction of results in case of local and (or) significant change of processes, up to the principal change of process flow charts;
Simulation of complex, critical and emergency situations;
Performance evaluation of new scenarios for the existing process.

Personnel training
One of the key skills of the specialists of JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET is the creation of software and hardware complexes based on digital twins and mathematical models for the training of operating and maintenance personnel.
The use of software and hardware complexes of JSC ETC GET opens up wide opportunities for advanced training of employees, including reducing the number of errors made by personnel and improving the quality of work; accelerated initial and scheduled briefing of operating personnel on the current condition of processes; regular check of operating personnel for professional competence and knowledge of protocols of actions in various situations.
Full-scope simulator (FSS) is a software and hardware simulation complex designed for professional training of operating personnel of the main control room/emergency control room (MCR/ECR) of nuclear power plants (NPPs) using a full-scope model of a real MCR/ECR and an integrated all-mode mathematical model of a power unit, which operates in real time.
Analytical (multi-functional) simulator (AS) is a software and hardware simulation complex designed for initial and continuing training of operating personnel of the main control room/emergency control room (MCR/ECR) of a nuclear power plant (NPP) using a full-scope mathematical model of a power unit, which operates in real time.
Local control room (panel) simulator is a software and hardware complex, which simulates the operation of one or more process systems and equipment of NPP power unit at the emulator of the local control room (panel) and is designed for personnel training.
Equipment and system simulator is a software and hardware complex that simulates the operation of one or more process systems and (or) equipment of a nuclear power unit. It is used to train personnel at the training center.

Digital twin
Specialists of JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET render services for the creation of a digital twin on a turn-key basis. Creating digital twins involves the complete synchronization of the model and the real facility, including the following steps:
generating an integrated model of a facility;
using various simulation methods to describe the entire object given all its subsystems;
creating a digital twin control system with a circuit of feedback from a real object;
building scenarios for changing processes at a facility and predictive analysis of the projected conditions of its assemblies and sets.
Monitoring of condition
Monitoring of condition comprises continuous monitoring of the parameters of the prototype facility in real time throughout the life cycle.
TEI optimization
During TEI optimization, JSC ETC GET specialists use multidisciplinary digital twins to optimize the technical and economic indicators of the prototype facility.
Predictive analytics
As part of predictive analytics, JSC ETC GET specialists use an integrated approach based on machine learning and model simulation for predictive diagnostics of assemblies and sets of the prototype facility.
JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET render services for checking design solutions and testing APCS.
Check of design solutions
JSC ETC GET specialists render a full range of services for checking design solutions based on model simulation of thermal-hydraulic and electric power systems.
Testing of APCS design solutions
JSC Engineering and Technology Center GET specialists are engaged in comprehensive inspection of the application software of APCS systems in combination with the digital twin of the prototype facility.